Tuesday 28 August 2012

The "I'm Not Afraid of Colour" room make-over..

Yes, I swore to you that last time I would be more on this whole blogging thing. Turns out life has a little annoying habit of getting in the way of things, like blogging. I'm hear to say I've not forgotten about my blog, I just choose to go to bed early and fall asleep while watching Arrested Development instead of posting.

Anywho. After watching sparatic moments of HGTV, I often get the urge to reno my house. Since reno's cost money, we've been holding off on doing much. In my antsy way, this has been nagging at me, so for the past few months we've been slowly doing a little make-over to our bedroom. It started with some end tables and a mirror from Ikea (which is a whole other story in its self that ended in the purchase of a mini-van, doh!), and this past weekend I came home with a can of paint called "Blue Chip" that matched my bright blue skinny jeans (I wore them to the paint store and requested the colour). At first, my husband thought I was mad, then he was on board. After two gruelling days, he completed our little room reno. We had some left over grey paint from Alexis's room, so we painted the rest of the walls with that.

Tadda! A much more inspiring, and cozy room for us to enjoy for many years. Thanks hubbo!

Monday 14 May 2012

Mothers Day

I couldn't have asked for a better mothers day, for my first mothers day as a mom. It was a fantastic 23 degrees here in Canmore, which for early May, in Canmore, is awesome! We enjoyed a lovely picnic with some good friends in Riverside Park. Perfection.

This is what Alexis thought of her Mothers Day outfit

Alexis and Abigail playing in the sun

Alexis and daddy playing her favourite game.

Now that I'm posting, I realize I should have likely gotten a picture of ME and Alexis on Mothers day, but that's what happens when your the one taking all the pics. Hah. Next year!

Hope all you moms and moms-to-be out there had a fabulous day with your families.

Saturday 28 April 2012

Easter Cupcakes

Yes, you read that right, Easter Cupcakes! Alright, I know, a little out of season, but this is a post I intended on posting, well, on Easter. Just incase you happen to have a bag of mini Cadbury Eggs hanging around, and really don't mind out of season cupcakes, I figured there was no harm in posting. We'll call it inspiration for next year.

I found the idea on My Baking Addiction, and unlike many things I find and Pin to Pinterest and intend to make but never do, these ones actually happened. Go me! It was all very last min. so I don't have a fantastic "this is the best cupcake batter ever" recipe to share with you (I used a box mix, tisk tisk) BUT I do however have a "this is the best icing recipe ever" recipe to share. I've made this icing a few times, and yet again found it on Pinterest. It really is the best buttercream icing I've ever made, and I've had a few rave reviews saying the same. I believe the only change I made to the recipe was that I used 2 tsp of vanilla instead of 3, but I can't remember (I know, I'm useless). Give it a whirl, you wont be disappointed!

Best Buttercream Icing recipe, click HERE. I used Chocolate Fudge cake mix for the cupcake. They were deeeelish.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Viva Mexico!!

Ok, so it's been what seems like forever since I've written a post on here, and I deeply apologize! I swear I think about it often, and even attempt at times, but there really is no excuse for my lack of blog posts. I am hoping to change that RIGHT NOW.

Recently, like really recently, my husband, daughter and I went to Los Cabos, Mexico to watch some friends get hitched. We stayed at the Barcelo resort, and I gotta say, it was fantastic! Being me, I have bad luck, so things could have been slightly better, but overall, the trip as a whole was fantastic! It was freaking hot, like 35 degrees daily, which was nice for the pool, but not so nice for touring around. We got into San Jose one day, but that's as far as we ventured with our 6 month old (YES, I know, she's 6 months already?!). The resort as a whole was awesome. Very kid friendly, and also very not kid friendly, for both. There's a kid section, and an adult section, and a general section. The rooms are huge, so the three of us fit into the Junior Suite with room to spare. Enough about the resort tho, if you need more info, give me a shout. Below is what you're really after, photos.

PS. No, Alexis doesn't smile ALL the time. She LOVES the camera. We have a little model on our hands. Stick a camera in her face and she's all smiles, 90% of the time.

View from the lobby of the Barcelo Resort

Daddy and Lexi

Lots of beach

Family photo, Lexi's first time in the ocean

Mommy and Lexi

Horseback riding on the beach. So wish we had the chance to do this.

Cabana's on the beach

Martini bar on the resort! What else does one need?! 

Okay, I promise I'll do this more regular. Blog posts. Not going to Mexico. Although, that wouldn't be a bad idea. Cheers! S