Tuesday, 28 August 2012

The "I'm Not Afraid of Colour" room make-over..

Yes, I swore to you that last time I would be more on this whole blogging thing. Turns out life has a little annoying habit of getting in the way of things, like blogging. I'm hear to say I've not forgotten about my blog, I just choose to go to bed early and fall asleep while watching Arrested Development instead of posting.

Anywho. After watching sparatic moments of HGTV, I often get the urge to reno my house. Since reno's cost money, we've been holding off on doing much. In my antsy way, this has been nagging at me, so for the past few months we've been slowly doing a little make-over to our bedroom. It started with some end tables and a mirror from Ikea (which is a whole other story in its self that ended in the purchase of a mini-van, doh!), and this past weekend I came home with a can of paint called "Blue Chip" that matched my bright blue skinny jeans (I wore them to the paint store and requested the colour). At first, my husband thought I was mad, then he was on board. After two gruelling days, he completed our little room reno. We had some left over grey paint from Alexis's room, so we painted the rest of the walls with that.

Tadda! A much more inspiring, and cozy room for us to enjoy for many years. Thanks hubbo!

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