If you haven't heard of Kiva yet I suggest you check it out. About three and a half years ago I found out about Kiva, and decided to make two $25 loans, and it felt good. What felt even better, was that when my loans were paid back, I was able to make another loan, and another, and now I'm up to seven.
The idea is simple. People from all over the world, mainly entrepreneurs trying to make a living for their families, ask for loans, and individuals like me and you each donate $25, until they have their desired amount. They always give a term in which it will take to pay you pack, and that they do. They pay the loans back to each donator in small increments thru-out their allotted time, and when they are done, you get a fun email saying that you have a $25 credit available for re-loan! It really is that simple, and it really does feel amazing.
Tonight I got my fun email, and decided to help out a lady named Maribel from the Philippines with her tailoring business. Maribel has a sustained business but would like to expand, as she wants to make enough money to be able to save some and send her children to College. She also raises pigs. Thru-out the life of the loan, I'll get updates on how Maribel is doing.
If you want a really good feel good moment, and a little karma in your karma bank for just $25, that will keep on giving, check it out.
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