Monday, 16 May 2011

Furry Neighbours

For the past 12 days we've been watching our friend/neighbour Susan's bunnies. Those from Canmore are thinking, someone has bunnies as pets?! You see, Canmore has a bunny "situation", as in, one day, many many years ago some domestic bunnies escaped and now, by the 1000's, they live all around town, munching on grass, gardens, garbage, whatever they can sink their teeth into. Breading like rabbits has a whole new meaning here.

These bunnies are not wild tho, they are quite cute, and amazingly soft. They do however take a great deal of time to take care for (I'm talking as much as my dog), so in my opinion, I recommend NOT having bunnies as pets, unless you like everything in your house to be chewed and have little bunny terds everywhere, then by all means, go nuts.

Sambuca & Panda are BFF's...

Rascal is their arch enemy... (and mine to)

Muffin was my favourite, she had the most character, but was quite the little trouble maker. Every-time I'd feed her, she immediately flip the bowl upside-down, and I'd often find her toys in her water dish.

Panda seemed to be the only one that was to slow to run away while you were trying to pick him up, so Joshua had a few snuggles before we left. Susan is in Greece (bitch) and comes home really early in the AM, and then in just a few days moves out of town. We'll likely never see our bunny friends again, but hey, I'm ok with that, as long as I get to see Susan again.

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