Saturday, 19 November 2011

First Days of Winter

Even tho the first day of Winter is still quite a ways away, these -20+ days are MY first days of Winter. In my world, anything colder than -15 warrants me to move the start of Winter up, whether Mother Nature agrees or not.

Now that we have a wee one in tow, I think we'll be spending more cozy cold days in front of the fireplace instead of galavanting around town, which is exactly what we did this morning. I haven't had the chance to do any baking since Alexis's big arrival into this world, so I took advantage of daddy being home and did just that, while they played and cuddled on the couch.

I made one of my favorite cookies, and I realized that I only seem to make this cookie around Christmas time. I don't think I'll change that, as to much of a good thing, ruins the appeal. You can find the recipe for these Soft Chocolate Gingersnap Cookies over on the Picky Palate Blog. It's one I found last year, and I didn't alter it all, it's perfect just the way it is! Enjoy!

Soft Chocolate Gingersnap Cookies = Yumm!

Daddy & Lexi Playing

Snuggle time on the couch

Hope you are all keeping warm!

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Our Baby Girl - (Better late than never)

It's safe to say that life has been BUSY this past month, with the arrival of our baby girl and getting to know her, and our new life. It's also safe to say that life has never been better, this whole mommy thing is far better than ever imagined.

Alexis Nicole Cremers
Born in Calgary, AB on October 12th 2011 5:12m
6lbs 12oz  20.5inches

Just hours old...

Daddy and Lexi...

Mommy & Lexi...

Priceless (6 days old)...


One month old...