Sunday, 17 July 2011

Calgary Stampede - Preggo Style

Yesterday we headed into the city, put on our cowboy/girl hats at hit up the Calgary Stampede, preggo style. I just love the Stampede, but not for the same reasons other Calgarians love the Stampede. Not for the 10 day long drink fest, but for the midway, the agriculture buildings, the crazy food (to look at only), the energy & the colours. For as long as I can remember, if there was a carnival within a 30km radius, I was there, and I've always loved the environment.

Usually we'd hit up a ride or 5, but this year that wasn't in the cards. Being 7 months preggo and going on some rickety carni ride sounds like a recipe for disaster (and a few notches off of Alexis's IQ). Instead we wandered thru and watched others have fun, and it was fabulous. All in all we stayed 1.5 hours, and spent, including admission & the c-train ride a grand total of $35.25. The bonus is the Westjet booth, where we won 10% off any flight, which will come in handy when we head to Los Cabos in April. Yay Westjet!

I've been playing with Instagram lately, so don't mind the wacky filters on the photos.

Biebs had to make an appearance. 

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